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Endrocrine & Diabetes Foundation
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Endocrine & Diabetes Foundation has been established as registered society in Delhi under Societies

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Our Mission
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To promote education and research in diabetes and endocrinology fields by providing adequate resources to researchers and care givers

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Our Mission
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To integrate and collaborate with champions of International quality standards to improve quality of research in diabetes and endocrinology in India.

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Endocrine & Diabetes Foundation

What We Do?

Public Awareness

We are dedicated to raising awareness about endocrine disorders and diabetes through targeted programs and initiatives. Our goal is to educate communities about the importance of early detection, proper management, and lifestyle interventions

Clinical Care & Research

Our foundation offers comprehensive clinical care services tailored to individuals with diabetes and related conditions. We prioritize patient-centered care, integrating the latest medical advancements and personalized treatment plans.

Professional Education

We are committed to keeping healthcare providers abreast of the latest advancements in endocrine health and diabetes management. We ensure that physicians have access to updated research findings and evidence-based guidelines


The Endocrine & Diabetes Foundation is dedicated to advancing knowledge and support for endocrine health and diabetes management. Through research initiatives, patient education programs, and advocacy efforts, we aim to improve care and quality of life for individuals worldwide. By fostering partnerships with healthcare providers and the community, we strive to empower individuals to effectively manage their health and promote awareness of these critical health issues. Our mission includes advocacy, patient resources, and fostering collaboration among healthcare professionals. Join us in our commitment to empower those affected by these conditions and promote better health worldwide. Our comprehensive clinical care services cater specifically to individuals with diabetes and related conditions, ensuring holistic support. Through ongoing research on diabetes, fatty liver disease, cholesterol issues, and related health concerns in India, we strive to advance medical knowledge and improve patient outcomes. Funding for these critical efforts is secured through grants, donations, and strategic collaborations, enabling us to expand our impact and reach more communities in need. 


Some of our glimpses

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